Where Are My People At?

Why is making friends as an adult so freaking hard? It’s like trying to navigate through a maze blindfolded, while juggling flaming torches. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point, right? It’s rough.

I mean, when we were kids, making friends was a breeze. All you had to do was share your toys, tell a funny joke, or simply say ‘Hi, wanna be friends?’ and boom, just like that, you’ve got yourself a new bestie. But as an adult? It’s a whole different story.

First of all, let’s talk about the logistics. We’re no longer confined to a classroom or playground where we’re surrounded by a bunch of people our age. Now, we’re working full-time jobs, taking care of families, and trying to squeeze in some much-needed me-time. Finding the time to meet new people can feel like a full-time job in itself.

And when we do have the time, where do we even go to meet people? The bar? Sure, but that doesn’t exactly scream ‘I’m looking for a long-term friendship.’ How about the gym? Great, but it’s kind of hard to strike up a conversation when you’re panting and sweating like a wildebeest.

Then there’s the issue of compatibility. As adults, we’re no longer content with just anyone being our friend. We want someone who shares our interests, values, and sense of humor. But how do you even find that out? Do you just walk up to a potential friend and ask, ‘Excuse me, do you enjoy binge-watching Netflix, eating pizza, and making punny jokes?’ Yeah, that’s not weird at all.

And let’s not forget the fear of rejection. As kids, we didn’t really care if someone didn’t want to be our friend. We just moved on to the next person. But as adults, the stakes feel much higher. We’ve already been through the pain of heartbreak and disappointment, and the thought of someone not wanting to be our friend can feel just as devastating.

But I suppose that just because making friends as an adult is tough, doesn’t mean we should give up, does it? We just have to be willing to put ourselves out there, take risks, and be open to the possibility of rejection (which isn’t really so bad, right?). And who knows, maybe one day we’ll find that one person who enjoys binge-watching Netflix, eating pizza, and making punny jokes just as much as we do.

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